Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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413 lines
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
What is AceComm?
AceComm is a unique blend of expert software design and innovative features.
A communications program especially designed for today's high speed modem.
AceComm provides a default setup that is ready to run with most Hayes
compatible modems. The AceComm package contains a modem install utility, that
will install your Hayes compatible modem into AceComm.
AceComm supports a macro driven keyboard which features complete key
redefinition. The macro language provides a powerful interface to the AceComm
internal functions, as well as many computer services. The macro language can
be used with AceComm's keyboard, User definable menus, and in the script
language files.
AceComm's terminal area provides a key driven and or menu driven interface.
With AceComm's key-redef and macro language, complete control over any complex
task is just a key press away.
AceComm supports user definable menus. Menus that can be made to display and
offer user definable functions. Menus that are available as pop up menus at
any time from the terminal area.
AceComm supports an internal point mail system which uses the EMSI handshake
A time (event) scheduler supports the point mail system and any other automated
process the user wants to define. The scheduler is capable of beginning and
ending events as they come around on the clock. Each schedule contains it's
own macro stack area. The macro stack is run at the beginning of the
schedule. This serves to automate and make un-attended a very wide range of
computer tasks.
An automatic script generating function can record on line sessions to script
files needing little to no editing.
Intelligent Auto Log On Technology (tm) automates log on to most BBS and host
IEMSI log on are provided for BBS systems that support IEMSI.
Chapter 1 Introduction
AceComm Utilities
AceComm comes with several utilities for added support. Utilities for modem
install, backing up the configuration files, creating unique keyboard
emulation, converting BBS lists and many other services that enhance and extend
the overall AceComm services. Some of these utilities are considered as part
of the default setup, and will be present in the AceComm directory upon
install. Other utilities will be placed into a sub directory of there own. We
call these "Extra Utilities".
AceComm Extra Utilities
The Acecomm package comes with several support utilities which add to and
enhance the standard installation. The utilities are located in a compressed
file named ACEUTIL. Here you will find a USBBS list to ACE.FON file converter
capable of converting the whole list or 1 area code. ANSI/AVATAR filter for
removing video control codes from a file outputting to another file. Custom
keyboard video emulation compiler can create keyboard emulation files from
ascii definition files (examples provided). AceComm's point mail system is
supported by several utilities that make interface AceComm to a FIDONET
NodeList. AceComm's NodeList handler is said to be the best and faster of all
programs offering point mail services.
ANSIFILT.EXE ANSI/AVATAR video code filter from files
CBF.EXE Convert BBS list to AceComm .FON file
UBF.EXE Convert US BBS list to AceComm .FON file
KTS.EXE Compile custom keyboard emulation files
IDX.EXE Index the FidoNet NODELIST for AceComm's use
Last revised 4/6/94
Distribution DISK
The AceComm package is distributed in a compressed format. The compression
utility used with AceComm is the current version of LHA (this writing LHA213).
AceComm package and sub-packages are compressed as SelF eXtracting "SFX"
files. This means the compressed file "ARCHIVE" uses an .EXE file extension.
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Chapter 1 Introduction
This SFX format allows you the user to simply type the name of an archive. The
archive's SFX code will execute, and extract the files to their un-compressed
Electronic Distribution
Many BBS systems will store the distributed SFX file inside an archive envelope
of their default archive. The AceComm BBS provides the AceComm package in ARJ
and ZIP format. SFX files as described above are appropriately renamed and
contained inside the main package, as regular compressed files.
The easiest way to AceComm is to just run INSTALL.BAT. The batch file will run
ACTL.EXE. ACTL.EXE assembles ACE.CTL into ACE.PRM. ACE.CTL is an ascii
control file that can be edited with any text editor or created later with the
DPRM.EXE utility (included). ACTL creates sub directories defined inside
ACE.CTL. Directories defined in the default setup are CAP, FON, FILES, KTS,
SCR, and MAIL. INSTALL.BAT copies FON files into FON, KTS files into KTS, DOC
files into a DOC sub directories. INSTALL.BAT then runs ACE.EXE All setup data
can be configured from inside AceComm. Install.bat will get you up and
running, you may need to set the com port to match that of your modem.
If you down loaded AceComm
go to "Step 1 for Electronic distributed files"
Step 1 for Distribution DISK
- Un compress the AceComm package into it's own sub directory.
This example assumes the filename ACE186.EXE
ACE186 means version 1.86
.EXE means AceComm is distributed as a SelF eXtracting
archive (SFX)
At the DOS prompt type: md \ace
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Chapter 1 Introduction
QUICK START (continued)
At the DOS prompt type: copy ACE186.EXE \ACE
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace
At the DOS prompt type: ACE186
The basic setup files will be ready in a sub directory ACE. Other files
that include SFX in the filename and end in .EXE file extension, are also
SelF eXtracting archives. These files are enhancements to the basic
Step 1 for Electronic distributed files
ACE186A.ZIP Executables
ACE186B.ZIP Documentations and data files
If you down loaded AceComm from a BBS the archive will be in another
format such as ACE186A.ZIP and ACE186.ZIP. If this is the case you will
need to
use the compression utility that corresponds to the file extension to
de-compress the AceComm package.
Example for ACE186A.ZIP
At the DOS prompt type: md \ace
At the DOS prompt type: copy ACE186A.ZIP \ACE
At the DOS prompt type: copy ACE186B.ZIP \ACE
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace
At the DOS prompt type: PKUNZIP ACE186*
The basic setup files will be ready in a sub directory ACE. Other
archives files that included are enhancements to the basic setup.
Step 2
- Read ACTL.DOC (1 page)
- Run ACTL.EXE (assemble ACE.CTL into ACE.PRM)
Example ACTL ace.ctl
ACTL.EXE need only be run when creating a new PRM file is desired. All
PRM-data is configurational from within inside AceComm.
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Chapter 1 Introduction
QUICK START (continued)
Note: AceComm will invoke ACTL.EXE directly when no ACE.PRM file is found in
the start up directory.
Step 3
At the DOS prompt type: ACE
A utility DPRM.EXE is provided to clone your PRM file into an ascii control
file. DPRM will save your custom setup to a file that ACTL.EXE can later
use to build the custom PRM file back. This is also the means used for
upgrading AceComm versions.
The following are enhancements to the AceComm package
a) FON_SFX.EXE (distributed) FON.ZIP/ARJ (BBS)
FON_SFX contains several sample .BBS, FON, and .NOD files.
It is suggested that FON_SFX be un-compressed inside a sub directory to the
AceComm directory
Example: C:\ACE\FON
At the DOS prompt type: md \ace\fon
At the DOS prompt type: copy FON_SFX.EXE \ace\fon
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace\fon
At the DOS prompt type: FON_SFX
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace
NOTE: ACTL creates these directories if defined in ACE.CTL and
not found.
b) KTS_SFX.EXE (Distributed) KTS.ZIP/ARJ (BBS)
KTS_SFX contains the KTS files included in the default setup, as well as the
ascii versions. Ascii version KTS files share the filename with KTS files,
but use .ASC extension.
It is suggested that KTS_SFX be un-compressed inside a sub directory to the
AceComm directory
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Chapter 1 Introduction
QUICK START (continued)
Example: C:\ACE\KTS
At the DOS prompt type: md \ace\kts
At the DOS prompt type: copy KTS_SFX.EXE \ace\kts
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace\kts
At the DOS prompt type: KTS_SFX
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace
(.KTS files are the Key Translation Sequence files for terminals) This file
contains ascii versions of .KTS files. ASC files are compiled into KTS
files using KTS.EXE.
c) UTIL_SFX.EXE (Distributed) UTIL.ZIP/ARJ (BBS)
UTIL_SFX contains several utilities that enhance the AceComm package. Each
utility has it's .DOC file.
It is suggested that UTIL_SFX be un-compressed inside a sub directory to the
AceComm directory
Example: C:\ACE\UTIL
At the DOS prompt type: md \ace\util
At the DOS prompt type: copy UTIL_SFX.EXE \ace\util
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace\util
At the DOS prompt type: UTIL_SFX
At the DOS prompt type: cd \ace
MDMI.EXE Modem install utility, installs modem setup data directly into
CBF.EXE can compile direct FBL output into a FON file.
UBF.EXE can compile the USBBS listing into a FON file. UBF can optionally
extract any area code from the USBBS listing.
IDX.EXE creates a very small index file so that AceComm can use a RAW
NODELIST file for mailer mode/file requests.
FBL.EXE creates a .BBS and .NOD file from the raw nodelist for a given NET
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Chapter 1 Introduction
QUICK START (continued)
KTS.EXE compiles a Key Translation Sequence file from ascii to binary
ANSI.EXE filters ANSI and AVATAR video control sequence codes from files.
ANSI.EXE can also be used to view the files.
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